1. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Founder of the Republic of Turkey and its first president, credited with modernizing Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Born in 1881 and passed away in 1938.

2. Rumi (Mevlana)

A 13th-century Sufi mystic, poet, and philosopher known for his teachings and poetry that transcend cultures. He was born in 1207 and passed away in 1273.

3. Suleiman the Magnificent

The tenth and longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, known for his contributions to the arts, law, and military. He ruled from 1520 to 1566.

4. Fatma Aliye Topuz

A pioneering Turkish female author and women's rights activist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She wrote novels, essays, and articles advocating for women's rights.

5. Ibrahim Müteferrika

A Hungarian convert to Islam known for introducing the art of printing to the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century, contributing significantly to Ottoman cultural and scientific development.

6. Hulusi Behçet

A dermatologist known for discovering and describing Behçet's disease, a rare and chronic multisystem inflammatory disorder. He lived from 1889 to 1948.

7. Ziya Gökalp

A sociologist, writer, and poet, recognized for his contributions to Turkish nationalism and cultural reforms in the early 20th century.

8. Fazıl Say

An internationally renowned Turkish pianist and composer, known for his innovative compositions blending Western classical music with Turkish folk elements.

9. Nasreddin Hoca

A legendary Turkish satirical figure, known for his humorous and wise anecdotes that offer moral lessons. Nasreddin Hoca lived during the 13th century.

10. Sabahattin Ali

A prominent Turkish novelist, short-story writer, and poet known for his literary works exploring social issues and human nature.